Marketing A Small Business

I started my first small business several years ago, and I have found out the hard way that you can spend way too much money on marketing. I have learnt that you must be innovative and ready to take opportunities when it comes to market and communicate your business without spending a fortune at the same time.

So, nowadays, If I get the chance to make my voice heard and get my company name out there at the same time, I will happily jump on the opportunity to do so.

Some small entrepreneurs proudly announce that they do not engage in marketing. That they are doing fine without it. Usually that means they do not buy advertising space. And that’s what most of us automatically think about when we are talking about marketing.

Marketing communication is so much more though. It is the physical and digital surface where you meet your customers, all the posts in social media, networking and making business contacts face to face.

As a small business owner, you really don’t want to spend your whole budget on marketing.

So, what can you do when you’re working on a limited budget? I have made a short list of things I can think of.


Pay attention to articles in local media

If something is written in your area and line of business – be quick and follow up. Perhaps the journalist is interested in a follow-up article with you and get your point of view?


Think innovative

If the money is not available, use your imagination. What would get your target audiences interest? Something entertaining and sticking out perhaps. Something eye catching, or maybe just a well formulated flyer on the Waitrose notice board could be an excellent first step?



This is not news to you I’m sure, but as an owner of a small business, it is easy to be drawn in by skilled sellers. But do you really need a virtual advertisement in someone’s shop window or a standing advert in the local newspaper? Think before you sign up, otherwise it can cost more than you get back from it. Make sure its relevant for your business.


4. Use your best advertisement “word of mouth”.
Customers, and anyone who loves your service, is your best way forward. Can you make it easier for them to spread the word about your business? Maybe donate them some lovely Instagram-friendly picture they can use, make sure they have your business cards and know your profile name on social media. I’m sure you know what to do regards to social media and I must admit, I love using it as a marketing channel. But remember, time is money even doing Instagram posts, so prioritizing is important here too!!


I have been lucky enough to be offered a column space in a local magazine and really appreciate the marketing space it gives me. Even though I don’t write specifically about my own company it’s a space to use for awareness of what we do as home stagers and my company name is there for everyone to see. It’s a truly great opportunity.


Learn more about Marie and her business, Scandi Home, here:

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