The Importance of Being Part of a Community

A ‘community’ can be described as “a social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists”[1]. Although what it means to be a part of a community can differ for each individual.

For some, being within a community means a ‘sense of togetherness’ or can bring ‘feelings of association’[2]. For others, a community is what gives their lives more meaning as a whole. Studies have further seen the link between being part of a community and its effect on health, with research demonstrating both mental and physical benefits. One of the benefits being to lower stress levels. Mental health charity Lamp says: “having chronically high levels of stress hormone, cortisol, can lead to serious conditions and illnesses, including inflammation, heart disease, and Type II diabetes. Mental conditions such as anxiety and depression can also develop when stress is severe. One study carried out for a three-year period by scientists in Sweden on 13,600 adults, however, showed the important role that friendship can play in keeping cortisol levels down”.[3]

At the Home Staging Association, community means a lot to us, and is by far the main reason as to why many of our members join us. Just take a look at the HSA members’ Facebook group to see the hub of activity from our community all across the world. Events like the Forum further show this, with impressive turnouts from those with the same interest all in one place together.

Some of our members wrote to us about what the HSA community means to them:

“I’ve finally found my tribe at the HSA! Thank you, Paloma, for being the one to pioneer this association in the UK. Something that our industry has been missing. I have a feeling Home Staging is about to come of age in the UK so I think your timing is perfect. Delighted to be a Founding Member”. – Amanda Caley, Property Reviver

“The HSA is building a strong, collaborate community of stagers in the UK, with a real desire to push the industry forward”. – Jackie Plants, Designed to Sell Home Staging

“As a director of Lemon and Lime Interiors I have already attended meetings and networking events and I am learning more every day about what works in our industry. The connectivity that we now have through HSA is invaluable in developing our business”. – Elaine Penhaul, Lemon and Lime Interiors

“I always walk away feeling inspired, encouraged, and also safe to share wins and struggles of the business. I would 100% recommend becoming a member and becoming a part of such an incredible body of like- minded individuals”. -Chanelle Knapp, Zest Home Staging





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